تعلم البرمجة بالدارجة المغربية

مصطلحات و مختصرات مفيدة للمبرمجين

Abbreviation Meaning More Details
API Application Programming Interface Allows software components to communicate and share functionality
CRUD Create, Read, Update, Delete Common database operations for managing data
CSS Cascading Style Sheets Styles the appearance and layout of web pages
DRY Don't Repeat Yourself A principle to reduce repetition in code
GUI Graphical User Interface A visual way for users to interact with software
HTML HyperText Markup Language The standard language for creating web pages
IDE Integrated Development Environment A software application that simplifies coding tasks
JS JavaScript A scripting language that adds interactivity to web pages
JSON JavaScript Object Notation A lightweight data-interchange format
OOP Object-Oriented Programming A programming paradigm using objects and classes
REST Representational State Transfer An architectural style for designing networked applications
SQL Structured Query Language A language for managing and querying relational databases
UX User Experience The process of enhancing user satisfaction with a product
AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML Technique for updating parts of a web page without a full reload
AI Artificial Intelligence The development of machines that can perform tasks intelligently
CI Continuous Integration A practice of merging code changes into a central repository
CD Continuous Deployment Automatically deploying code changes to production
FOSS Free and Open Source Software Software that is both free to use and whose source code is open
FTP File Transfer Protocol A protocol for transferring files between computers
IOT Internet of Things A network of interconnected physical devices that communicate
MVC Model-View-Controller A design pattern for separating application logic into components
ORM Object-Relational Mapping A technique for converting data between object-oriented and relational formats
SDK Software Development Kit A collection of tools and libraries for software development
SaaS Software as a Service A software licensing and delivery model hosted on the cloud
TDD Test-Driven Development A software development process that emphasizes writing tests first
UTF-8 Unicode Transformation Format 8-bit A character encoding capable of encoding all Unicode characters
VCS Version Control System A system for managing and tracking changes to code over time
YAML YAML Ain't Markup Language A human-readable data serialization format
CORS Cross-Origin Resource Sharing A mechanism allowing resources on a web page to be requested from another domain
DOM Document Object Model A programming interface for HTML and XML documents
GPU Graphics Processing Unit A specialized electronic circuit designed to process graphic data
IP Internet Protocol A set of rules governing how data is sent and received over the internet
NPM Node Package Manager A package manager for JavaScript and Node.js
PWA Progressive Web App A type of application software delivered through the web
SSR Server-Side Rendering The process of rendering a web page on the server before sending it to the client
UML Unified Modeling Language A standardized modeling language for visualizing software systems
W3C World Wide Web Consortium An international community that develops standards for the web
XML eXtensible Markup Language A markup language for encoding documents in a format readable by both humans and machines
AR Augmented Reality A technology that overlays digital content onto the real world
VR Virtual Reality A simulated experience created by computer-generated environments
ETL Extract, Transform, Load A process in data warehousing to extract, transform, and load data
CMS Content Management System A software that helps create, manage, and modify digital content
DPI Dots Per Inch A measure of a printer's or display's resolution
CDN Content Delivery Network A network of servers for delivering web content quickly
LAMP Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP A popular open-source web development platform
MERN MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js A full-stack JavaScript framework for web development
MVC Model-View-ViewModel A software design pattern for organizing code in a more maintainable way
P2P Peer-to-Peer A decentralized network architecture for sharing resources
QA Quality Assurance A process for ensuring that a product or service meets standards
RPA Robotic Process Automation A technology that uses software robots to automate repetitive tasks
SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol A network protocol for securely transferring files over the internet
SOA Service-Oriented Architecture A software design style that uses loosely-coupled services to support application requirements
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